NIAW Don't Ignore Infertility

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

No Private Time For Mommy

As Mom’s we try to find a way to get that moment to shower, go to the bathroom in private, do our hair or even try to throw on some make-up to feel like a woman.  It is the easiest thing to most but for Mom’s it has to be squeezed into your day.  I always found it easy to shower at night when my son was sleeping.  When he was a real infant where my eyes and ears were always glued to him, I would take him in the bathroom in his bouncer to get my shower in.  Now as he is getting older I have come into many funny experiences that I try so hard to keep my "Mommy straight face".

Since my son was potty trained before his second birthday, I felt he understood more and joined me more in the bathroom.  He was totally interested, now I think maybe too interested.  As the questions came I answered with quick, easy answers but the questions got harder.  One day he was wondering why he had a pee pee and I have something different?  At that time, I told him that girls had flowers and boys had pee pee’s.  Well that stuck with him and he went on to explore with our dogs telling me that my female dog had a flower and my male dog had a big one with big balls.  It now becomes harder to shut him out of the bathroom whether it’s for a shower or just a trip to go to the bathroom.  He needs to be everywhere I am.

The other day I tried to sneak in the bedroom to change out of my clothes and my son flew up the stairs, stormed in the bedroom to say, “Mommy why are you changing”?  There I was standing naked trying to hurry to get my long t-shirt on to cover myself down there quickly.   I became frazzled.  My son then starting chanting,”boobies and big butt” staring at my tattoo and laughing like I was a circus act. Then, as I got my shirt over my head, he said, “Can I pet them, pointing to my boobies”?  I said sternly, “NO”, trying to hold back my giggle.  Before I knew it he reached up under my shirt and pet my boobs like a dog, then went on to grab my nipples, laughing.  He said, “Mommy what is that big needle”?  I was finally dressed now pushing him away.  I tried so hard not to burst out laughing because it was so innocent and cute.  At that point I knew things had to change.  I had to have a talk with him.  I explained that Mommy needs to get changed alone, go in the shower alone and go to the bathroom alone; Mommy needed private time.  He said, “But why, I am your son and you love me”? Yes, but Mommy has things that are private.  He said, ”Like your boobies”? I said,”Yes”. I also told him that his pee pee is private too.  He gets that boys and girls have private parts.  He laughed and went to play with his toys.  I may not have explained it to him like some parents would have but this worked for me at the moment, so don't judge! 

I felt so weird trying to control laughing about it later with my husband.  I felt like I got through to him, I guess until next time.    He is a big story teller mostly the truth and never forgets anything, so I wonder will I be the topic of conversation at school?  I never thought I was going to have to speak to him as an adult this early.  So for now my private time or changing time happens when he is totally occupied and I can sneak away to my private world without him following.  It’s not that easy but I hope that he understands.  I don’t know if it is any different with having a girl to Mom relationship or boy to Mom relationship.  Is it he is more attached to me then some boys of is this the way it is supposed to be?  When do you stop changing or showering in front of your kids?  I would love to hear your story and how you handled it!

Submit your story to me via email -  I will post a couple of stories on my website. 

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