NIAW Don't Ignore Infertility

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Book Review - Best Chick Lit - Criticism - Apology

Below, is the email I sent to the book reviewer at Best Chick Lit.  Yes, I was hurt by the comment but I felt I couldn't leave it at that and needed to explain myself below.

I wanted to clarify the criticism line mentioned "totally gay"  this was not meant in a derogatory sense by no means.  I have many gay friends and support the Lesbian and Gay community in their decisions to use IVF as a means to build their families.  "Totally Gay" was meant to mean overjoyed/cheerful about the situation. I was a new Mom wearing blue to bring my son home and match with having a baby boy - hence the color blue for a boy.  I know a lot of gay men and they have more fashion sense then most.  It was meant in a positive happy way not to criticize any group of people.  

I extended my apologizes to the reviewer  and thanked her for her time.  Maybe I should have chosen a different word to describe my happiness. Sorry this is something that stuck out after reading my book. This is not about having a negative shot at you, its about feelings and hurting someone was not my intention.  It is obvious this bothered the reviewer but I am glad that she was able to also get the positive out of my book too. I take my story very personal as it has helped me grow as a person and I hope to offer that support to others letting them know they're not alone!  We all say things that might not make sense or are meant in a different manner.  One comes to mind "You're fat (PHAT)"! First time I heard that I was like what?  I remember back in the 90's everything was "mint"  What the hell is that?  

I hope that she understands that there was nothing meant by it at all.  Honest!   Read the review yourself and if you have my book it's on page #107 Chapter A New Life and if haven't read my book, here it is - I guess you can take this in a different way.  If you knew me no point intended!

I tried to get myself together to look halfway decent.  I wore a navy velour jump suit.  I wanted to wear blue because I had a boy.  Yes, totally gay but who cares, I was a Mommy! 

Mind you I had a blue outfit and a pink outfit packed depending upon the sex of the baby....we had no idea  what we were having so even if I would have wore pink I think I would have been just as overjoyed to look halfway decent and bring home my baby.  

Everyone is entitled to their opinion on my book and comments used in the book but this went further than that - I meant no harm and wanted to make things right!  

Thank you to Best Chick Lit for your time & honesty! 
Book Review Link click to read......

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