NIAW Don't Ignore Infertility

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Infertility is a Lifestyle Issue not a Medical Issue - What are your thoughts....

This is a comment I saw about #infertility What are your thoughts??  "Infertility is not a medical issue - it is a lifestyle issue that happens to have a very expensive medical solution" 

I posted the above comment on my Facebook page to see what your thoughts are on this  comment.  Apparently, many agreed and commented with their opinion, here are some of the posts, feel free to comment here or on my Facebook page or on Twitter @Franmeadows

I will update throughout the week!  Tell me how you really feel...
  All comments are welcomed, we can get into a heated debate here..Bring it on!!

Comments by others:  

  • Yes, I saw that on that Newsday article as well. It is Infuriating. Infertility IS ACTUALLY recognized by The World Health Organization as a disease. So, it is not a lifestyle choice!!!
  • Whoever wrote that is an IDIOT!
  • That's complete bullshit!! Lucia's right, that person is an idiot!
  • It is most definitely NOT a lifestyle choice! A lifestyle choice is something chosen, infertility is not chosen! People are thoughtless idiots...
  • I'm offended! IF is a medical issue not a lifestyle issue. 
  • Anybody that would say that obviously has never battled .
  • Idiots.....evidently they are living under a cabbage leaf not to know that infertility IS a medical problem with a diagnosis!
  • It shows their ignorance. Infertility just like any other condition is not a lifestyle issue.
  • Total morons! Women yearning to create a life don't choose a lifestyle so that they get treated like guinea pigs in hope of having a child!
  • This disease is then aggravated by all the genetically altered food (to make greater profit). We ingest pesticides in fruit and vegetable, cloned/radiated meat, mercury/toxic ridden fish from China and south America (because it wouldn't pass our FDA regs.
  • The women that have this disease and fight with their every last hope are to be admired...
  • It is heart wrenching! But if a miracle does happen, those little lives are treasured all the more...

My Comment so far:
  • Agreed, It is not a lifestyle choice or an elective medical choice like plastic surgery. It is a diagnosis by a medical professional and is a disease that affects 7.3 million people. Until it hits you close to home I guess people come up with stupid comments. To live it is to understand it! Glad you all came out to comment & tell me how you feel!
  • I agree this IS NOT my comment a comment I read- #IF is a disease that affects 1 in 8 couples I was one of them #infertility
  • I agree, You need to travel the road of #infertility to understand and feel the pain! #longroad


  1. My insurance says the same thing. That treatment of infertility is a lifestyle choice, not a medical issue

    1. Insurance companies are all different, most don't cover treatments like infertility but cover other cosmetic or optional treatments. We don't choose infertility. I hope more insurance companies begin to recognize treatments. Good luck!

  2. Insurance companies are more interested in killing babies (abortion) than helping create life.

  3. Thanks for your comment Pixie, agreed!
