Is it the Mom’s Choice or Mayor Bloomberg’s – Only in NYC – The City That Doesn’t Stop!
Bloomberg on breastfeeding and being pro-choice not sure I understand.
new program will go into effect this September in New York City, the program called "Latch On" Program. That’s quite the catchy name Mayor Bloomberg. New Mother’s at NYC Hospitals won’t be denied
the formula for their babies, but the formula will be doled out under that same
procedure as medications. Formula will be under lock and key, it will
have to be documented on the frequency of use.
rewind, Mayor Bloomberg you probably wouldn't approve on the way I conceived my child through Invitro Fertilization (IVF) but infertility is not a choice it is a medical diagnosis by a reproductive specialist. I did breastfeed my child in the hospital by CHOICE. When my son was born and brought into the
NICU unit, unfortunately my choices in the first few hours of birth went out
the window. I was unable to begin
breastfeeding him as soon as he was born, due to breathing issues. I also had no intentions of using the
pacifier but that is the first thing they use to sooth or keep the babies quiet
in NICU or the regular nursery. My son's health was more important at that moment then to try and here someone push me to start to breastfeed. After my son was born, yes he had to eat so they fed him baby formula until I was able to breastfeed. Breastfeeding came with great
difficulty after he was fed by a bottle with baby formula in the NICU. He did not
want to “latch on”. I consulted with a
lactation specialist and honestly, some of them were very forceful and not nice
at all, which discouraged me. The baby formula supplementing didn’t bother me
the first two days he was in NICU but once back in the regular nursery he was
labeled ”Breast on demand”. The nurses meant it, every little cry even after they were fed he was brought to my room, which I did not mind because it was my choice. I breast fed
by pumping my breast milk in the bottle and my husband was able to bond with the child too during feedings, which I thought was a plus. Deep down, I
knew that I wanted to breast feed regardless if it was pumped into a bottle. Again, this is all by choice, nobody pushing
stuff on me because it now becomes a new program that is in effect.
all for educating and raising awareness for New Mom's to make the right
decisions for their newborns health but not like this. If you want to
encourage this program then have the lactation specialists educate those choosing to breastfeed and those that are unsure provide extra information or a consult at their request without it
being forceful. Educate new mother’s and
respect their decisions. Don’t remind
them each time they need to have the nurse open the baby formula case with
their key that they are making the wrong decision. This will be sending a negative message not a
positive one to new families. Don't treat them like inmates that need to be supervised and monitored of their formula for their child.
in mind that some new mother’s cannot produce enough milk and need to supplement
with baby formula, some babies refuse the breast, some babies are allergic to
breast milk, there are those new mother’s that choose not to breast feed and
that is their decision. What about
multiple births? A Mom of multiples
sometimes cannot produce enough breast milk for both babies or are too overwhelmed to breast
feed. They should not be judged or have
to be pressured to breast feed. I only
breast fed my son for four weeks which is not a long time, I felt there was too much supply not enough demand. I slowly stopped producing breast milk and it became hard to keep up with the feedings. Some Mom’s breastfeed their
children until their first birthday or even longer. Will you consider a longer maternity leave for those working mothers if they breastfeed? Most working Moms they try to have enough supply to return to work or they ween their child off breast milk before returning back from maternity leave. I know that I did my best and what was best
for my baby and that is all that counts.
Bloomberg, let’s do an exercise and have you try out the “Latch On” program,
would you like to try on big, heavy, fully functional breasts for a few months
and breastfeed every 2-3 hours a day? I’ll give you more
reasonable choice, on the first day of the Latch on program in September spend 24hrs around the
clock in a NYC hospital doing your rounds of encouraging this program, visiting
new Mom’s all emotional, hormonal and overwhelmed with the new protective Daddy’s
by their sides – I would love to see the reaction you get! Take time to be hands on! It’s intrusive and none of your business to
decide this for New Mom’s and Dad’s. It
is added pressure on them when they are trying to bond and enjoy the first
moments with their new child.
I do
encourage you to put a packet of information together for the hospitals to hand
out to discuss the benefits of breastfeeding for Mom’s and their
newborn(s). When something is put into
effect that is of a personal nature or is the choice of an individual I hope you know that you might not get the reaction you expect! There are many other things in NYC and in this world that should be focused on more, take time to remember that.
commence this article, I do not tip my glass of milk to you or should I say my
boob to you or should I say my 20 ounce soda to you! So many choices that you have available.
Sorry for the blog of vent but it struck a cord with me and many others, I welcome all comments!
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